Just zipped through The Paris Wife by Paula McLain – lovely read about Hadley and Ernest Hemingway – she was his first wife – (but then he was also her first husband!) ….saturated with romance of time and place. Interesting to know that in Toronto for a short time they lived at the Selby Hotel (is that near Huntley Street?) and then on Bathurst. They endured a very cold winter with their young baby. Chilly memories.
Now on to short stores by women authors of the fin de siecle. Will report back later Just been given Margaret MacMillan’s History’s People for my birthday. Looking forward to getting into it. I had a lovely holiday reading Metrostop Paris by Gregor Dallas (2009) – an interesting way into the city’s history. Just makes you want to know more – and go back to walk it. Into the New Year 2015 with Paul Among the People by Sarah Ruden (2010) an American academic. Refreshing new take on the man whom we have come to think of as so reactionary. Ruden reminds her readers of some of the Roman Empire’s more unpleasant habits. Having spent a week in Findhorn in June I’ve had a blitz on some New Age writers including David Spangler’s Age of Aquarius. A bit more down to earth with Men and Women Writers of the 1930s: the Dangerous Flood of History by Janet Montefiore. About to start on some serious holiday reading : Tom Holt’s Nothing but Blue Skies ! |
Victoria Manthorpeauthor and feature writer Blog
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November 2024